SaGa Wiki
Romancing SaGa 3 character
Fat Robin
{{{JP}}} ({{{Romaji}}}?)
RS3 Fat Robin
Sprite RS3 Fat Robin SpriteRS3 Fat Robin Sprite2
Gender Male
Age {{{Age}}}
Race Human
Appearances' Romancing SaGa 3
Imperial SaGa
Type Playable

Fat Robin (?) is a character from Romancing SaGa 3.



Obviously based upon the actual Robin, Fat Robin wears a dark cloak, a black jacket, yellow pants, and black leggings, along with the black mask and black "R" cap. The obvious difference is his larger physique and well trimmed mustache.


Fat Robin, much like the actual Robin, is a stereotypical hero, who is there at the time of need. He has shown minor incompotence due to bad planning of events, but in the end, he is just as capable and brave as his inspiration.






Main characters
Julian - Thomas - Ellen - Sarah - Khalid - Mikhail - Katarina - Monika - Young Boy
Recruitable characters
Minstrel - Fullbright - Muse - Tatyana - Nora - Ward - Paul - Herman - Leonid - Robin - Fat Robin - Undine - Tiberius - Zhi Ling - Yang Fan - Bai Meiniang - Peony - Flurry - Boston - Rukh
Minor characters
Gwayne - Nina - The Professor - Captain - Volcano
Sinistrals Alloces - Aunus - Buné - Forneus
Minor Ludwig - Maximus - Dophore - Tsao Gao
Loanne Region Sinon - Sinon Woodlands - Loanne - Myules - Mount Taftan - Buné's Lair
Zweig Region Kyrdlund - Sacrificial Cave - Zweig - Westos Forest - Podorui - Castle Leonid - Swamp Ruins
Pidona Region Pidona - Archfiend Palace - Ryblov - Edessa Fortress - Phantom Maze
Lance Region Lance - Matriarch's Mausoleum - Frostburg - Ice Galaxy - Justerm
Mt. Louv Region Yarmouth - Mount Louv - Gwayne's Den - Tinyville
Messana Region Faros - Stanley - Bandits' Hideout - Temple Ruins
Mt.Demanda Wilmington - Mahzoz - Vanguard - World's End - Undersea Palace
Tepid Sea Great Arch
The Great Jungle Ache - Fairyville - Fire Fortress
Mt. El Bourg Ryblov - Naj Desert - City of Kings
Desert Region Archlord Tower - Desert of Death
Great Plains Muenge Village - Nefte Tribe
Twisting Forest Rashkuta - Rotten Sea Ruins
Huang Xuan - Huang - Northern Abyss Gate
Beyond Huang Toukai - Archfiend's Tomb
Mechanics Skills - Spells - Bestiary
Inventory Armor - Items - Weapons -
Lore Adventure Log - Death Eclipse - Matriarch - Archfiend - Child of Destiny - Abyss Gates - Oblivion
Other Translations - Achievements - Theatre Adaptation - Prototype