SaGa Wiki
Unlimited Saga character
アン (Anri?)
US Henri
Gender Male
Race Human
Age 13
Height N/A
Weight N/A
Appearances Unlimited Saga
Emperors SaGa
Imperial SaGa
Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe

Henri (アンリ Anri?) is one of the playable characters in Unlimited Saga. He carries the Blade of Escata, which is a special dagger passed down through the Escata Royal Family. It is the only infinite durability weapon in the game and can be boosted in power through the collection of the Elemental Gears as part of Laura's quest. He joins the party in Armic and Laura's routes.

He is voiced in Japanese by Shitanda Maikeru and in English by Kevin Corn.





Henri is the prince of Escata. His parents get killed and the castle becomes a ruin. Chased down, he manages to reach Nivacolina, where Henri meets Laura, she decides to help him reach Vaftom.

In Armic's scenario, he seems not have met Laura, perhaps he fled Escata to the west rather than east.




Henri is a very light character. Coupled with his high Skill he is ideal for Daggers, Spears or Bows and can deal LP breaks consistently. Despite his Magic growth of 4, his elemental growth is fairly average in reflection. Magic can be used, but it would not be fully utilized compared to his physical abilities.

Initial Growth Panel[]

Diplomacy L1

Initial equipment[]


Blade of Escata: Altemana, 11 ATK

Weapon Buckler: Fur, 10 DEF, 50 DUR
Accessory Wooden Armlet: Oak, 30 DUR
Accessory Wooden Armlet: Ash, 50 DUR
Headgear -----
Body Cloth Armor: Silk, 6 DEF
Leggings Boots: Fur, 2 DEF

Making parameters[]

Strength 3 Fire 2
Skill 4 Earth 3
Spirit 3 Metal 1
Magic 4 Water 1
Endurance 2 Wood 3

Initial parameters[]

Strength 4 Fire 2
Skill 4 Earth 4
Spirit 5 Metal 2
Magic 5 Water 2
Endurance 6 Wood 9
Hit Points 52 Weight 34 kg

Constant parameters[]

HP Recovery A
Life Points 12


  • First battle (Laura's Scenario) "I shall join you!"
  • First battle (Armic's Scenario) "I shall do my utmost!"
  • New monster "I've never seen such monsters!"
  • Fight won (easy) "Have we won already?"
  • Fight won (someone else) "Well done."
  • Death (Personal) "Laura"
  • Death (someone else) "Who has fallen?"
  • 5 Hit combo (middle) "Like this?"
  • 5 Hit combo (end) "Father, I did it!"
  • Cold area "Uhhhhhhhhh"
  • Final battle (Laura's Scenario) "Escata, father and mother, they were all killed to gain this power!?!?!"
  • Final battle (Armic's Scenario) "We can make our own world, we don't need your help!"

For all the lines to listen to, go here:

Other appearances[]

Emperors SaGa[]

Henri appeared as an obtainable character.

Imperial SaGa[]

Henri appears as an obtainable character.

Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe[]

Henri appears as an obtainable character.

SaGa Compilation Trading Card Game[]

Henri appears as an obtainable card.



  • Henri narrates Laura's story to the player.
  • Henri posseses the Blade of Escata. However only in Laura's scenario is it possible to empower.
  • Henri is the only playable, but not main character to be presented in the intro of the game.


Main characters
Laura - Ruby - Mythe - Ventus - Kurt - Judy - Armic
Recruitable characters
Henri - Anzan - Armand - Michelle - Tiffon - Edel - Francis - Grace - Pharr - Silver Girl - Hiro - Iskandar - Josef - Rebecca - Marie - Roy - Kong Ming - Vearst - Musol Yanii - Mordeus - Thomas - Platyphyllum - Norff - Nuage - Sapphire
Basil Galeos - Clyde Blackstorm - Chaos - Dagul Bos - Jeanne Maure - Kalandorn Alovi - Knights of the Round Table - Leon Burgundy - Phantom - Yun Crimsonrain
Minor characters
Briza - Emerald - Alyce Ambrosia - Leith Torles - Maximillian Burgundy
Polka Arc
Protagonists Polka - Liz - Zenon - Valdor - Brownie - Madeleine - Shen Du - Evelyn - Jo - Bertrand
Supporting Julian - Thomas - Ellen - Sarah - Mikhail - Monika - Katarina - Khalid - Young Boy - Volcano - Undine - Matriarch - Ferdinand - Paulus - Vassault - Ren Dahao - Melissa - Genryu - Genryu (Snowy) - Don Scaccini - Emperor Fegan
Antagonists Wicked Witch of the East - Karman - Barthelemy - Tu Kwai - Ludwig - Maximus - Sinistrals - The Other Young Boy - Igomahl - Fake Archfiend - Archfiend
Liam Arc
Protagonists Liam - Anya - Darius - Candy - Liao Yu
Supporting Annie - Rouge - Leslie - Zozma - Red
Antagonists Evelis
Other Characters / Styles
Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe Sumire - Slime
GB SaGa Human (Male) - Human (Female) - Esper Girl - So-Cho - Creator - Father - Goddess - Hana - Kai - Arsenal - Apollo - Haniwa - Arthur - Curtis - Gloria - Sharon - Borgin - Talon
Romancing SaGa / Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Albert - Aisha - Hawke - Sif - Gray - Claudia - Barbara - Jamil - Diana - Myriam - Guella Ha - Dowd - Neidhart - Saruin - Death - Schirach - Minion - Mirsa - Minstrel
Romancing SaGa 2 Leon - Gerard - Victor - Final Emperor - Final Empress - Coppelia - Hiraga - Sekishusai - Mercenary - Heavy Infantry - Light Infantry - Ranger - Court Mage - Imperial Guard - Levante Guard - Desert Guard - Crusader - Thomas - Vagabond - Ninja - Amazon - Armed Merchant - Diver - Brawler - Saigo Clansman - Nomad - Mole - Iris - Salamander - Nereid - Wagnas - Noel - Rocbouquet - Subier - Bokhohn - Dantarg - Kzinssie - Sephira - Vampire Lady - Narwhal's Daughter
Romancing SaGa 3 Muse - Charl - Ward - Leonid - Robin - Nora - The Professor - Black - Fatima - Zhi Ling - Asura - Kyrdlund Mayor - Tatiana - Rukh - Flurry - Peony
SaGa Frontier Red - Asellus - Riki - Blue - T260G - Emelia - Fuse - Rouge - Doll - Mei-Ling - Gen - Leonard - Cotton - Annie - Liza - Roufas - Princess White Rose - Princess Rei - Mesarthim - Golden Lion - Orlouge - Ildon - Ciato - Rastaban - Virgil - TimeLord - Nusakan - Metal Black - Shuzer - Berva - Cindy - ZEKE - PzkwV - BJ&K - Rabbit - EngineerCar - Thyme
SaGa Frontier 2 Gustave - Gustaf - Johan - Kelvin - Flynn - Cielmer - Ventarbre - Wil - Rich - Ginny - Cordelia - Labelle - Tyler - Narcisse - Primiera - Roberto - Meythia - Eleanor - Misty
Unlimited Saga Laura - Judy - Ventus - Armic - Mythe - Ruby - Kurt - Iskandar - Henri
Emperors SaGa Silver Emperor - Selma
SaGa Scarlet Grace Urpina - Leonard - Taria - Balmaint - Arthur Darlton - Mondo - Elisabeth - Kahn - Sasha - Ogniana - Chiago Lisboa - Strumiknen - Tsubaki - Macha
Others ITOKEN - War Mech
Polka's Arc Vanguard - Valdor's Dojo - Great Arch - Podorui - Sinon - Messinna - Rashkuta - Fire Fortress - Mount Taftan - Isle of Beginnings - Forgotten Lands - Archfiend's Tomb - Dae - Kalmya Caverns - Sanctuary of Evil - Otherworld
Liam's Arc Vanguard - Valdor's Dojo - Archlord's Tower - Koorong - RB3 - Sandail - Mardias
Sub Quests Hidden Dojo - Final Isle - Remembrance Battle - Spiral Corridor - Other quests
Lore Story - Graves - Doors
Other Formations - Items - Manga