Ignatius (イグナシウス , Ignatius ? ) is a playable character in SaGa Scarlet Grace .
Profile [ ]
Appearance [ ]
Personality [ ]
Story [ ]
Gameplay [ ]
Stats [ ]
Unique Role [ ]
Artisan: Tejedura's Grace rate increases.
Possible Endings [ ]
Urpina's Story (Urpina-exclusive)
Leonard's Story (Leonard-exclusive)
Taria's Story ('Taria-exclusive)
Balmaint's Story (Balmaint-exclusive)
All Stories
Despite being an inheritor of House Julanius blood, Ignatius concealed his identity and continued to pass his days as the simple owner of a boathouse. Though already advanced in age by the time the Great War began, he fought valiantly for House Julanius all the same.
Navigation [ ]
Northeast Boundary
Sea Bridge - Outpost - Finemundi - Village of No Presence - Everbloom Tree - Porta Inferni - Abyssal Swamp - Fang Terrae - Spirit Lake - Adamas Shrine - Snowy Hut - Glacier Walls - Frozen Ship - Winter's Door - Frozen Fiend - Forest Dweller
Marchiam Normi
Child Walk - Maiden Cliff - Moorhead - Ostdorf - Westdorf - Castle Kubera - Gusty George - Yomitana Sluice Gate - Neyott Thermocavern - Hide Hive - Yokilis Shaft - Tidemarch - North Sea Ruins - Snow Queen
Provincia Thracini
Mt. Plinio - Elhuacan - Josgad Stable - Stabiae - Sea Bridge - Mulkna Sluice Gate - Nakisina Sluice Gate - Yomitana Sluice Gatee - Pantheon - Kusama Geyser - Old Geyser - TeHoru Geyser - Madayanti Stone - Daji Stone - Tamamo Stone - Rahol Knoll - Mira Cave - Nugia Hollow - Yuaba Shaft - The Creature of Lake Mulkna - Earth Serpent - Enigmatic Egg - Collector Nest - The Creature Returns
Provincia Termina
Schut - Castle Knym - Moorhead - Josgad Stable - North Gate - South Gate - Taria's Workshop - Raven Manor - Liuhuang Vent - Beast Den - Wam i Mine - Phoenix - Earth Serpent - Bloody Howl
Provincia Cindrea
Imhokiel Dam - Kilik - Taiffa - Yumen - Sanhigh - Ur-Saqqara - Saqqara - Castle Knym - Perrault Cave - Basile Hole - Syowyo Mound - Grimms Mine - Earth Serpent - Karkinos
Marchiam Ria
Ferrol - Betanzos - Coruna - Muros - Arousa - Pontevedra - Vigo - Abandoned Village - Cocoon - Water Mirror - Festival Stage - Faerie Stone - Fiends' Nest - Omni Relief
Mare Ilfee
Edinport - Battlwick - New Wise - Longstone Lighthouse - Limerock Lighthouse - Middle Range Lighthouse - Sugar Castle Lighthouse - Gard Island Lightvessel - Hazard Reef - Mermaid Rock - Phantom Warship - Charybdis - Eilean Ceo - Spirit Coal Mine - Diemazu Temple - Diemazu Shrine - Driftage Coast - Provincia Thracini Border - Provincia Cerenaif Border - Cave of Zihg - Wanderer of the Seas
Provincia Cerenaif
Castle Parm - Zegna - Nipelo - Cingular - Water Mill - Imhokiel Temple - Westend Graveyard - Central Cemetery - Eastend Cemetery - Spring Cave - Castello Guscio - Haunted State - Labyrinth - Pyro Mine - Roadblocker
Provincia Rhonicum
Silmium - Lug - Nekwa - Castle Parm - Marigan Temple - Fort Kathrin - Boathouse - Tveak Tower - Lyajg Bog - Drear Rock - Earth Serpent - Dark Forest - Trampling Despair
Provincia Gradion
Testika - Sanhigh - Yumen - Hibernian Border - Bicornia - Pixkimarigan - Adamas Tower - Fort Kathrin - Forest Hut - Bollinger Mine - Jardina Mine - Tula Mine - Shrine - Budding Desire
Urbs Azhuacan
Central Palace - North Market - South Market - Black Market - Imperial Library - Marigan Temple - Kada Temple - Macha Temple - Imhokiel Temple - Astel Temple - Diemazu Temple - Shaams Temple - North Pier - South Pier - Teleportation Device - Arena - Trampling Despair
Provincia Hibernia
Grove of Silence - Ceobhran - Makulilkali Fortress - Castle Fomoire - Teach na Macha - Rainbow Bridge - Fire Aes Mine - Earth Aes Mine - Water Aes Mine - Sealed Cave - Earth Serpent - Grasslands Cabin - Gora Heights - Lofty Malice
Provincia Jusitania
Grumon - Castle Fomoire - Misery - Nanim - Deserted Village - Astel Convent - Spira Tower - Tveak Tower - Seaside Shop - Carl Falls - Donseilla Mine - Lupagal Cave - East Jungle - West Jungle - Enigmatic Skeleton - Stash of Suspect Goods - Man Swinging Pickaxe - Collector Nest - Beckoning of the Abyss
Marchiam Bicyniro
Nekwa - Pescara - Anchiano - Caprese - Maelstrom - Noono Forest - Aslana's Studio - Diving Well - Cave Stuffed with Treasure - Cave Crammed with Fiends - Place with the Final Boss - Trampling Despair
Southeast Boundary
Nameless Peninsula - Birdman Village - Moa - Torii - Enigma Jungle - Fork Falls - Phoenix's Nest - Blue Hole - Hole of Chaos - Corner Isle - The Confounder
Provincia Kei
Castle Kohan - Nangoon - Owtie Arbor - Taiffa - Rowsui Tower - Bullio Gate - Azhuacan Ferry - Mountain Hut - Nomadic Settlement - Unremarkable Tree - Old Well - Sigfrei's Well - Pot Falls - Rugged Mountain - Somondoco - Great Arch - Earth Serpent - Phoenix - One Who Sates the Earth
Provincia Maurehua
Prayer Tower - Kilik - Shaams Temple - Owtie Arbor - Gusty Gorge - Halsa - West Mine - North Mine - South Mine - Hot Spring - Phoenix - Collector Nest - Hot Springs Rana
Marchiam Megdasse
Highsha Quarters - Highsha Observation Tower - Walomir Quarters - Walomir Observation Tower - Kaikow Quarters - Kaikow Observation Tower - Nyu Quarters - Nyu Observation Tower - Megdasse Floodgate - Bullio Gate - Secret Passage - Lake Megdasse - Spiritdrop Cave - Stardrop Cave - Infernodrop Cave - Fragata Mine - Mono Dungeon - Reiche Caves - Giant Plant - Megdasse Glyphs - Apple Tree - Tornado - Walomir Sheep - Earth Serpent - Chupacabra
Marchiam Yaxart
Stahl - Astel Shrine - Rowsui - Bartlett Shrine - Diemazu Shrine - True Diemazu Shrine - Imhokiel Gate - Kada Shrine - Macha Shrine - True Macha Shrine - Rowsui Tower - True Marigan Shrine - Shaams Shrine - Tejedura Shrine - Tukuz Shrine - Twai - True Uzume Shrine - New Cave - Mysterious Cave - North Hole - West Knoll - East Dungeon - South Shaft - Forbidden Point - Burned Dancer - Phoenix - Earth Serpent
Marchiam Numadica
Imhokiel Gate - Chyokun - Belike - Ashina - Excavation Sites - Destroyed Temple - Coastal Keep - Salt Cave - Shaams Cave - Weapon-Like Object - Hive - The Weakest of All
Ancient Cities
Ei-Hanum - Dizahab - Ur-Saqqara